Summer Update for
CS Teachers in Delaware


What is included: 

Content for Members
Learning Opportunities
Calendar Updates
Partners4 CS

Partners4 CS Overview

Build Sustainable Capacity for Teacher Preparation and Support


The Partner4CS program, initiated at University of Delaware in 2012, leverages partners throughout the state of Delaware to address the goals of CS10K and Computing in the Core.  These two nationwide programs are increasing participation in computer science among K-12 teachers and students.  


The Partner4CS project focuses on (1) offering an annual paid Professional Development Summer Workshop during summer for K-12 teachers interested in integrating computer science into their curricula, (2) supporting and distributing materials for a college field experiences course (taught at the University of Delaware for since 2013) in which undergraduates assist in teaching computer science in local schools and libraries, and (3) organizing an annual Summit for CS Education in Delaware, beginning in 2017.

Helpful Links
Dates to Remember
  • Next DE CSTA Meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - 6-8pm - MOT Charter School
  • Partner4CS Week - University of Delaware (k-12)---REGISTER BY MARCH 1ST TO GET PRIORITY!
  • CSTA 2020 (k-12)
June Meeting Recap
At our November meeting, members discussed many options for holding Hour of Code activities at the elementary, middle and high school levels. In addition, Ashley Chance and Morgan Franklin from JP Morgan Chase & Co. joined us and shared the company’s focus on partnering with schools: The vision of DE Youth Technology Pathways is “to guide students through key stages of computer science education, including introduction and safety, guidance, and ultimately inspiration to choose a career in technology.” Some of their offerings include Cyberkidz, LEGO Challenge, and GenTech. 
Luke Rhine, Director of Career & Technical Education STEM Initiatives in the Delaware Department of Education, joined us to provide updates on the many changes coming soon to Delaware’s CTE programs specifically in terms of program funding with a new state plan. Highlights include expanding funding to 6th grade CTE programs (currently/historically only 7th and 8th grade received funding for middle school programs) and a plan to expand post-secondary opportunities for students wanting to pursue a career in technology. Luke also shared that there is a push at UD to expand their 4-year computer science program offerings, and that ZipCode Wilmington’s program is NOT going to replace the current state model CS Pathway, but rather is a supplement to CS education in some Delaware high schools. Finally, there has been no movement in terms of training for high school teachers for the 3rd CS Pathway course: AP CSA, but Luke is very interested in working with the DE CSTA chapter to diligently work on this. 
Many more details can be found recorded on the slide deck for this meeting - AVAILABLE HERE