About CSTA Delaware
Founded in July 2014 after the Partner4CS Workshop at the University of Delaware, the mission of our Chapter is to further the mission of CSTA and to increase the coverage and improve the depth of Computer Science education in Delaware.
We are educators, business members, and community members that are passionate about supporting the continued growth and improvement of Computer Science education in Delaware.

President: Rob Gibson
I am currently the Computer and Information Sciences Teacher at Sussex Central High School in Georgetown, DE. I came to teaching after 12 years at the University of Delaware. I was the 2015 Delaware STEM Teacher of the Year and a National CTE Innovator as recognized by the US Department of Education and The White House. I work closely with ZiPCode Wilmington and NCWIT to share reources with my students. I also teach for the University of Delaware as an adjunct faculty member in the Associate in Arts program.

Vice President: Colleen Hoban
As a teacher for the past 23 years, I have taught in middle and elementary schools. I currently teach in the Colonial School District as a technology, library, and STEM teacher. I am also the Technology Coordinator for the building. I have been a member of CSTA since 2017 and attended the 2018 and 2020 National conferences.

Secretary and Treasurer: Fred Hofstetter
Dr. Fred T. Hofstetter is Professor of Education at the University of Delaware where he coordinates the master’s program in educational technology. He authored the GUIDO Ear-Training Lessons, the Atari Music Learning Series, Temporal Acuity Products’ NoteBlaster note-reading game, the Random House book Making Music on Micros, the Prentice-Hall book Computer Literacy for Musicians, the Wadsworth book Multimedia Presentation Technology, and the McGraw-Hill books Multimedia Literacy, Advanced Web Design, and Internet Technologies at Work. Originally specializing in music, Dr. Hofstetter now supports projects across the curriculum and teaches general education courses in multimedia and Internet technologies. His latest book is Computational Thinking on the Internet, which grew out of his involvement as a CT Faculty Member in the NSF Project, Infusing Computational Thinking into General Education, directed by PI Lori Pollock and Co-PIs Chrystalla Mouza, Kevin Guidry, and Kathleen Pusecker. Dr. Hofstetter developed the Podium multimedia software and the Serf learning management system. His latest software is iSeeNcode, which is an iPad/iPhone classroom observation app developed under an IES grant with PI David Coker.